Terms and Conditions
You can read all about your rights and obligations in the General Conditions. If you read them carefully, you know exactly where you stand at Recreatiebedrijf Boot.
General Conditions Campsite and Apartments
First of all we would like to wish you a warm welcome here and a great holiday!
- When you arrive will you please check in at reception and present valid proof of identity that includes your photo. Please note the current rates to avoid any misunderstanding.
- Keep the grounds and buildings clean and do not cause any damage.
- Be very careful with fire. You must have permission from the campsite owner to light an open fire, also for barbecues.
- The grounds are closed from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. During these hours motorised transport is not allowed.
- A maximum speed of 5 k.p.h applies throughout the daytime.
- Please behave in such a way not to cause nuisance to other guests.
- We use camera surveillance for the safety of you and our property.
- We accept no liability whatsoever for theft or damage to property belonging to guests or their visitors, nor for accidents caused to visitors or their guests as well as loss or damage in the broadest sense of the word caused by work carried out by our staff at the guest’s request.
- Please throw your rubbish in plastic bags into the appropriate containers.
- All persons present on the campsite are presumed to be acquainted with the rules in force. Violating these rules can result in removal from the campsite.
- Ensure that your radio or TV is for your entertainment only; not annoyance for someone else.
- Keep your own surroundings clean; orderliness and tidiness is much appreciated. Let it be clean and keep it that way.
- That Sunday is the day of rest is natural for us. We hope that you will keep Sunday a day of rest too.
- After 11 p.m. we expect you to be quiet so as not to disturb other guests in their sleep.
- Start your motorbike/moped on the road. When you return turn your engine off on the road; you can ride the last few metres for nothing.
- Satisfied? Tell others! Any complaints? Tell us!
- Visitors are required to leave before 11 p.m. to ensure peace and quiet on the campsite.
- Upon booking, the bill should be paid within 3 days.
- First-aid box can be obtained from the campsite owner.
- Deep-freezing of cooling elements or bottled water: see rates.
Dogs must be kept on a leash on our property and must be walked outside the property. If your dog accidentally does its business on our property, you must clean it up immediately.
- In the event of fire or other calamities: Inform the camping owner immediately and gather all persons present on the car park near the house.
- We request that you to keep a frequent eye on your children and (in connection with the aspect of hygiene) supervise their visits to the toilet.
- Administration costs are charged when a booking is canceled.
In case of cancellation, the recreation taker pays compensation to the entrepreneur. It amounts to:
- In case of cancellation more than 3 month prior to date of arrival, 15% of the price.
- In case of cancellation between 3 and 2 months prior to arrival, 50% of the price.
- In case of cancellation between 2 and 1 month prior to arrival, 75% of the price.
- In case of cancellation within 1 month prior to arrival, 90% of the price.
- In case of cancellation on date of arrival, 100% of the price.
We are sorry, but COVID-19 can’t by any longer be the reason of cancellation without costs or moving your booking forward. We recommend you to book last-minute.
- Situate your caravan or tent in consultation with the campsite owner so that other guests are not inconvenienced.
- Chemical toilets may only be emptied in the appropriate places.
- Digging holes in the soil is forbidden. We retain the right to hold you liable for any damage you cause.
- Be very careful with fire. It is essential that you have permission from the campsite owner to light an open fire, also for barbecues.
- Guests are also responsible for their visitor’s conduct.
- Using generator sets is prohibited.
- Visitor’s rates: see rates.
- Cars are not allowed on the camping area.
- Anyone found staying overnight without paying will be charged double.
- It is prohibited for guests to have LPG installations on the campsite in whatever way, other than an LPG tank in a motorised vehicle which has been approved by the Government Road Transport Agency.
- Administration costs are charged when a booking is canceled
- On the day of your arrival you can move into your apartment from 3 p.m. onwards. You must vacate the apartment by 10 a.m. at latest on the day of departure.
- When you leave, the apartment must be left in the same state and clean, otherwise your key money will not be returned. Cleaning products are obtainable from reception.
- Please check out on departure.
AVG privacy regeling
In het kader van de nieuwe privacywetgeving die op 24-5-2018 van kracht is geworden verklaren wij het volgende.
Ons bedrijf verwerkt persoonsgegevens om de volgende redenen:
- Deze persoonsgegevens zijn noodzakelijk om de overeenkomst met u als gast na te komen en te registreren (noodzakelijk voor de uitvoering van een overeenkomst).
- Deze persoonsgegevens zijn noodzakelijk om een nachtregister bij te houden voor de lokale overheid (noodzakelijk voor het nakomen van een wettelijke verplichting).
- Het e-mailadres van onze gasten wordt alleen gebruikt om een kerstwens c.q. nieuwjaarsgroet te verzenden aan onze gasten (als een gast toestemming heeft gegeven om deze hiervoor te gebruiken).
Wij zijn wettelijk verplicht de persoonsgegevens 7 jaar te bewaren (boekhoudtechnisch).
Terms and conditions Safari Tent
First of all we would like to wish you a warm welcome here and a great holiday!
- When you arrive will you please check in at reception and present valid proof of identity that includes your photo. Please note the current rates to avoid any misunderstanding.
- Keep the grounds and buildings clean and do not cause any damage.
- Be very careful with fire. You must have permission from the campsite owner to light an open fire, also for barbecues.
- The grounds are closed from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. During these hours motorised transport is not allowed.
- A maximum speed of 5 k.p.h applies throughout the daytime.
- Please behave in such a way not to cause nuisance to other guests.
- We use camera surveillance for the safety of you and our property.
- We accept no liability whatsoever for theft or damage to property belonging to guests or their visitors, nor for accidents caused to visitors or their guests as well as loss or damage in the broadest sense of the word caused by work carried out by our staff at the guest’s request.
- Please throw your rubbish in plastic bags into the appropriate containers.
- All persons present on the campsite are presumed to be acquainted with the rules in force. Violating these rules can result in removal from the campsite.
- Ensure that your radio or TV is for your entertainment only; not annoyance for someone else.
- Keep your own surroundings clean; orderliness and tidiness is much appreciated. Let it be clean and keep it that way.
- That Sunday is the day of rest is natural for us. We hope that you will keep Sunday a day of rest too.
- After 11 p.m. we expect you to be quiet so as not to disturb other guests in their sleep.
- Start your motorbike/moped on the road. When you return turn your engine off on the road; you can ride the last few metres for nothing.
- Satisfied? Tell others! Any complaints? Tell us!
- Visitors are required to leave before 11 p.m. to ensure peace and quiet on the campsite.
- Upon booking, the bill should be paid within 3 days.
- First-aid box can be obtained from the campsite owner.
- Deep-freezing of cooling elements or bottled water: € 1.50 per day.
Dogs must be kept on a leash on our property and must be walked outside the property. If your dog accidentally does its business on our property, you must clean it up immediately.
- In the event of fire or other calamities: Inform the management immediately and gather all persons present on the car park near the house.
- We request that you to keep a frequent eye on your children and (in connection with the aspect of hygiene) supervise their visits to the toilet.
- Digging holes in the soil is forbidden.
- We retain the right to hold you liable for any damage you cause.
- Guests are also responsible for their visitor’s conduct.
- Using generator sets is prohibited.
- Visitor’s rates: See Rates
- It is prohibited for guests to have LPG installations on the campsite in whatever way, other than an LPG tank in a motorised vehicle which has been approved by the Government Road Transport Agency.
- On the day of your arrival you can move into your apartment from 3 p.m. onwards. You must vacate the apartment by 10 a.m. at latest on the day of departure.
- When you leave, the apartment must be left in the same state and clean, otherwise your key money will not be returned. Cleaning products are obtainable from reception.
- Please check out on departure.
- Administration costs are charged when a booking is canceled.
In case of cancellation, the recreation taker pays compensation to the entrepreneur. It amounts to:
- In case of cancellation more than 3 month prior to date of arrival, 15% of the price.
- In case of cancellation between 3 and 2 months prior to arrival, 50% of the price.
- In case of cancellation between 2 and 1 month prior to arrival, 75% of the price.
- In case of cancellation within 1 month prior to arrival, 90% of the price.
- In case of cancellation on date of arrival, 100% of the price.
We are sorry, but COVID-19 can’t by any longer be the reason of cancellation without costs or moving your booking forward. We recommend you to book last-minute.
AVG privacy regeling
In het kader van de nieuwe privacywetgeving die op 24-5-2018 van kracht is geworden verklaren wij het volgende.
Ons bedrijf verwerkt persoonsgegevens om de volgende redenen:
- Deze persoonsgegevens zijn noodzakelijk om de overeenkomst met u als gast na te komen en te registreren (noodzakelijk voor de uitvoering van een overeenkomst).
- Deze persoonsgegevens zijn noodzakelijk om een nachtregister bij te houden voor de lokale overheid (noodzakelijk voor het nakomen van een wettelijke verplichting).
- Het e-mailadres van onze gasten wordt alleen gebruikt om een kerstwens c.q. nieuwjaarsgroet te verzenden aan onze gasten (als een gast toestemming heeft gegeven om deze hiervoor te gebruiken).
Wij zijn wettelijk verplicht de persoonsgegevens 7 jaar te bewaren (boekhoudtechnisch).